b210 is an architecture office with a think tank approach to everyday spatial challenges. We believe that positive change in the built environment is driven by a smart design process where architectural ideas are as important as methods of developing them. We like to design ways of thinking as much as physical spaces.

Tatari 64, 10134 Tallinn

Röst Bakery

Röst is a small bakery in the heart of Tallinn designed by owners Sander Allmere and Kris Libe and architecture office b210 architects Mari Hunt, Aet Ader, Karin Tõugu, Kadri Klementi, Britta Kodres and Nele Šverns.

Photo by Terje Ugandi/ Diivan

This Rotermann Quarter establishment that emanates the aroma of fresh bread is a small, congenial environment where the straight lines of the interior design harmonize well with the bakery’s wares in all their simple wholesomeness.

The terms of reference were put together by the design-conscious owners of RØST, Sander and Kris, simultaneously with the idea to open the business. The atmosphere of the bakery was just as important as the baked goods sold there. The goal was to create a place that looks like a classic bakery; highlighting the everyday work done by the bakers.

Photo by Lauri Laan/ Eesti Maitsed

The “hole in the wall” found on Stalker Street in Rotermann Quarter met the needs of the vision and at that point the architects of b210 were brought on board, helping to mould the ideas.

Photo by Lauri Laan/ Eesti Maitsed

The interior design of RØST got the look of a traditional bakery – the combination of white ceramic surfaces, natural wood, concrete and metal offers delight for the discerning eye. The designer’s idea was to highlight the products, and thus mellow and mild tones were preferred. The kitchen does not have the traditional equipment found in big food preparation places, but rather solid-wood countertops and custom- made metal shelves. The lighting has also been kept intimate as in the café area, to blur the boundaries between the customer area and the kitchen.

Photo by Sander Allmere

The most complicated taks was the positioning of the sales counter and equipment, as the goal was to fit the maximum amount of products in a small space. The goal was to put the coffee preparation on display and create a comfortable place to work for the person behind the counter. Thanks to the good design and flexibility, all functions and equipment were accommodated and the products presented in an evocative way. 

Photo by Sander Allmere

Kitchen and customer area are intertwined and the patrons can see what the bakers are doing. This was one of the main goals. Also important was that the café be photogenic for social media. Also, the details that complement the general look, such as the coffee machine at the sales counter, the recycled Prisma hypermarket fruit section lamps and custom-made bread shelves and bread boards. Thanks to the open kitchen and  he blurred boundary between areas, it’s a cosy place, and comfortable for both customers and the bakery staff.

Photo by Lauri Laan/ Eesti Maitsed

Location Rotermanni 14, Tallinn
Custom furniture by Kenneth Pert Natural Furniture

Photo by Mari Hunt

Photos by Terje Ugandi, Lauri Laan, Sander Allmere, Mari Hunt

25. septembrist 2013 24. septembrini 2014 aitas OÜ-l b210 põhivara ja rakendustarkvara soetada Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja starditoetuse programm.