b210 is an architecture office with a think tank approach to everyday spatial challenges. We believe that positive change in the built environment is driven by a smart design process where architectural ideas are as important as methods of developing them. We like to design ways of thinking as much as physical spaces.

Tatari 64, 10134 Tallinn

The Playing Man. Eight Visions of Contemporary Kindergarten Architecture

Estonian Architects Union annual exhibition, under the above title, takes apart the concepts of kindergarten environments to see what’s inside, pokes at daycare conventions to see what happens and throws ideas around – just because it is fun. The models of the eight architectural visions of an everyday educational environment that centres around the experience of the child, commissioned by the curators, are firstly exhibited in Tallinn (Oct 28 – Nov 16, 2014), and will thereafter travel to other cities in Estonia.

Tõnu Tunnel

Tõnu Tunnel

The winning proposal of the curatorial competition of the Estonian Architects Union for its annual exhibition got started from the increasing number of news reporting kindergarten extensions made of construction containers. Those have, of course, been adjusted to their unusual use and inside, they look “just like an ordinary kindergarten” as the news stories often pointed out. The purely practical style of the conversion might leave the creative bunch with an itch for something more imaginative but all in all, there’s nothing to hold against containers as building blocks. However, what’s peculiar is that the ordinary kindergarten can be compared to an ascetic container. For the exhibition eight architects and offices were asked to present their vision of an inspiring kindergarten that invites children to explore and discover, and provides an early experience of fine architectural space.

Participating teams: Hanno Grossschmidt, Mark Grimitliht, Tomomi Hayashi (HGA), Mirko Traks, Henn Runnel, Karin Bachmann (KINO Maastikuarhitektid), Mari Rass, Larissa Kondina, Ott Alver, Alvin Järving, Kaidi Põder (Arhitekt Must), Maarja Kask, Ralf Lõoke, Helin Kukk (SALTO), Vahur Sova, Andres Kull (Teigar Sova Arhitektid), Margit Argus, Margit Aule, Mae Köömnemägi, Liisa Valdmann (KAOS Arhitektid), Joel Kopli, Koit Ojaliiv, Juhan Rohtla, Eik Hermann (KUU Arhitektid), Katrin Koov, Kalle Komissarov, Eve Komp ja Grete Veskiväli.
Graphic design, illustrations: Epp Õlekõrs


Tõnu Tunnel


Tõnu Tunnel

Tõnu Tunnel

Tõnu Tunnel


Tõnu Tunnel

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25. septembrist 2013 24. septembrini 2014 aitas OÜ-l b210 põhivara ja rakendustarkvara soetada Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja starditoetuse programm.