b210 is an architecture office with a think tank approach to everyday spatial challenges. We believe that positive change in the built environment is driven by a smart design process where architectural ideas are as important as methods of developing them. We like to design ways of thinking as much as physical spaces.

Tatari 64, 10134 Tallinn


The courtyards caught in the middle of towering flats are undiscovered open-air stages. Every action becomes a spectacle observed by hundreds of unseen eyes. This is a stenographic super-reality. Monotone architecture is the backdrop for sounds, light and movements – by amplifying, directing and mirroring them. The courtyard is the ultimate black box and the mute façades are replaced by box seats.

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pingpong_1_Mari Hunt

Mari Hunt

On a nondescript day, a truckload of ping-pong table parts and rackets and balls are unloaded on Kärberi Street. Tables are assembled, the constructors leave and the spectacle can begin. Ringing bounces and shouts enclosed in the courtyard create a soundtrack for the energy and action within. Anyone is welcome for friendly spar with his or her neighbour. This is the chance to make the whole courtyard resound or to keep it in constant anticipation. Do the locals feel uninhibited and free enough to have some fun with their neighbour in their own backyard? Or is this a source for additional conflict, a call for parallel realities of undisturbed serenity?


Photos: Mari Hunt, Kadri Klementi, Aet Ader, Kaidi Õis, Anu Olvik

There are plenty of possibilities for consumption – things to buy – in Lasnamäe. But the amount of entertainment is pretty slim. The purpose of this installation is to shake up the everyday rhythm of Lasnamäe’s inhabitants by means of a spectacular intervention. And to create real connections between people – after all, ping-pong is a game for two. Ping-pong tables built by the architects raises a question: Does a city born on the drawing table need to “be finished” in the same way – from a distance? Or is there another way for unique and vigorous common ground to spring up between these standardized flats?


Mikk Meelak

Design team: Aet Ader, Mari Hunt, Kadri Klementi, Karin Tõugu, Mikk Meelak, Kaidi Õis
Support team: Andreas Wagner, Anu Olvik, Halja Pilvisto, Jaak Ader, Katre Teppan, Laur Kaunissaare, Madis Raus, Mats Hunt, Tarmo Miller, Puumarket, Katlaaed, Espak, IM Arvutid, Kärberi 13 korteriühistu
Year: 2012



25. septembrist 2013 24. septembrini 2014 aitas OÜ-l b210 põhivara ja rakendustarkvara soetada Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja starditoetuse programm.