b210 is an architecture office with a think tank approach to everyday spatial challenges. We believe that positive change in the built environment is driven by a smart design process where architectural ideas are as important as methods of developing them. We like to design ways of thinking as much as physical spaces.

Tatari 64, 10134 Tallinn

Exhibition design: Merike Estna and I’m a Painting

“The two projects melt into a spatial whole at this exhibition, thus exemplifying the installative direction in contemporary painting, in which the concept of the art of painting has moved away from what we are accustomed to associating it with. Priority is given to processes, states and architectural integrity,” explains one of the curators, Kati Ilves.

b210_Merike Estna exhibition design_Foto by Mari Hunt_4

Mari Hunt

Merike Estna’s personal exhibition Blue Lagoon shows the audience Estna’s creative attempts at treating painting as a visual and spatial experience and how to approach something that has an apparently fixed viewpoint from different angles.


The exhibition I’m a Painting brings together a number of technically varied works of art, including videos, objects and performances, which continue in the same vein as the concept of the painting.

Curators: Kati Ilves, Merike Estna

Mari Hunt

Mari Hunt

Mari Hunt

Mari Hunt

Mari Hunt

Mari Hunt



25. septembrist 2013 24. septembrini 2014 aitas OÜ-l b210 põhivara ja rakendustarkvara soetada Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja starditoetuse programm.