b210 is an architecture office with a think tank approach to everyday spatial challenges. We believe that positive change in the built environment is driven by a smart design process where architectural ideas are as important as methods of developing them. We like to design ways of thinking as much as physical spaces.

Tatari 64, 10134 Tallinn

Culture Chicken

Culture Chicken is a unique installation which invites city dwellers to visit the chicken and promotes keeping chicken in the city. It also aims to draw attention to the city planning process in general and in the area around Kultuurikatel and Kalarand in particular.

culture chicken_by Mari Hunt, Peter Stumbur





The architectural solution for the hen garden is connected to other projects taking place in the garden. The chickens have a separated area and a shed. Their garden consists of metal pyramids that create a functional unity between the garden and the shed. These pyramids are supporting a net as well as separating areas with different functions and types of soil. Visitors can sit just nearby and enjoy the everyday life of the chickens.


Sabelpoot is an authentic breed of miniature chickens who compared to other breeds are not related to any bigger birds. Sablepoots originate from the Netherlands. They are friendly, clever and fearless, at times mindlessly curious. They don’t need much space and can be easily kept in a city environment. A covered garden is a must though as the chickens are keen fliers. Despite their small size the hens are active egg layers – about 110-120 eggs per year – and good hatchers. For their decorative appearance the Sablepoots are popular exhibition chickens in Europe.


Design team: Grete Veskiväli, Mari Hunt, Kaisa Kangur, Triin Orav, Juula Saar, Aet Ader, Liisi Tamm, Isabel Neumann
Support team: Ahti Sepsivart, Johannes Veskiväli , Siim Orav, Inga Piirsalu, Evi Napp, Külli Jaakon, Enn Keeman, Marit Mihklepp, Märt Vaidla, Nils Hint, Kadi Karmann, Valdo Kangur, Ain Veskiväli, Mats Hunt, Kultuurikatla vabatahtlikud, Velonaudi poisid
Owner of the chickens: Piret Purru-Lemetti, Kuusiku talu/ MTÜ Eesti Väikelinnukasvatajate Selts
Food provided by: Kristin Nelke-Heinroos, Kiti Kanala Söödatuba
Sponsors: Kultuurkapital, OÜ Murumari, Tallinna Vesi, OÜ Õuemeister, AKM Metall, OÜ Forsten, Puumarket, MTÜ Eesti Väikelinnukasvatajate Selts, Piret Purru-Lemetti ja Kuusiku talu, Kristin Nelke-Heinroos ja Kiti Kanala Söödatuba, OÜ Weiderwerk, Enn Keeman ja Keskkonnainspektsioon, Külli Jaakon ja Rannarahva Muuseum, OÜ Rauning, Sadolin, Kadarbiku talu, Grüne Fee, Väo Paas, Ellington Trükiagentuur OÜ, Loomakaitse Selts, SA Kultuurikatel ja OÜ Jimmy.
Year: 2012

25. septembrist 2013 24. septembrini 2014 aitas OÜ-l b210 põhivara ja rakendustarkvara soetada Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja starditoetuse programm.